Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

HBO Evidence website.

HBO Evidence website.

Dear Editor, As many of your readers may be aware, I have been having trouble maintaining the HBO Evidence site over the last 18 months. This is partly because of the inevitable evolution of page-writing software and partly to the equally inevitable problems generated by hospital firewalls that seem designed to prevent employees from posting useful information on the internet. Our pages were also rather too often under cyber attack, making the discussion forums unworkable. While we have moved the site behind the University of New South Wales (UNSW) defences in order to prevent its corruption, it is unfortunately no longer possible to update the contents - rendering it rather purposeless. To this end, I have been working over the last 15 months to re-write the site as a wiki under the auspices of the UNSW 'wikispaces' group of sites. This has several advantages, including affording a high level of protection, an enhanced ability to quickly and easily update the contents, the ability to allow others to easily update contents if required and a more secure discussion facility. I am pleased to advise, therefore, that the new site is now open for business. The new address is: Interested readers should reset their favourites list to this address instead of the old The site remains dedicated to presenting useful summaries of all the randomised trials in both diving and hyperbaric medicine. When you first visit the site, you will be asked if you wish to become a member. Membership is not required to view the pages, but anyone interested in assisting us with adding to the content of the site and keeping it up to date, can apply to join us by submitting the membership request.
Michael Bennett
Publication Detail:
Type:  Letter    
Journal Detail:
Title:  Diving and hyperbaric medicine : the journal of the South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society     Volume:  42     ISSN:  1833-3516     ISO Abbreviation:  Diving Hyperb Med     Publication Date:  2012 Jun 
Date Detail:
Created Date:  2012-07-25     Completed Date:  -     Revised Date:  -    
Medline Journal Info:
Nlm Unique ID:  101282742     Medline TA:  Diving Hyperb Med     Country:  Australia    
Other Details:
Languages:  eng     Pagination:  105     Citation Subset:  IM    
Clinical Associate Professor in the University of New South Wales and Senior Staff Specialist, Department of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, Prince of Wales Hospital, Barker St, Randwick, NSW 2031, Australia, Phone: +61-(0)2-9382-3880, Fax: +61-(0)2-9382-3882, E-mail:

Ditayangkan ulang olh dr.Erick Supondha (Hyperbaric&Diving Medicine Consultant) Jakarta Indonesia, hyperbaric&diving medicine hotline 021 99070050.

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