A stroke is caused by a clot or hemorrhage of a blood vessel in the brain, causing inadequate blood flow and oxygenation to the tissues. Depending on the extent and location of the stroke symptoms of weakness, paralysis, visual disturbances, speech difficulties, and, sometimes loss of consciousness or death can occur. It is not only loss of Oxygen that causes damage/death to the Brain cells, but also the blood carries all the necessary nutrients for cellular health.
The sooner the stroke patient can get into Hyperbaric Oxygen the better. A tremendous benefit is available if the patient can get treated in the first 3 to 4 hours because HBO will stop the body’s own physiological reaction to a stroke after this time, known as the inflammatory reaction. However, data now proves that with rehab, a patient can return function to extremities as late as 50 years post stroke, since it has been found that most paralysis is learned following a stroke. This is the basis for “restraint” therapy and also the more recent use of wi computer programs effectiveness in rehabilitation of brain damage by taking advantage of “Neuroplasticity” or the Brains ability to change. This was once thought impossible!
Why HBOT, when the brain has untapped potential to recover from properly guiding its Neuroplasticity? Stroke and other brain injuries cause “ischemic freeze”, according to Dr. K.A. Hossman, a condition where Brain cells surrounding dead cells are damaged but do not die. Dr. Neubauer called these “idling neurons” that in a paper he sent to The Lancet in 1990 showing SPECT Brain blood flow images of a woman severely Neurologically disabled by a stroke 14 years earlier had improved blood flow in an area of the Brain thought to have been dead after a single Hyperbaric Treatment.
When you combine Hyperbaric Oxygen, with Neuro-Physical Therapy, the benefits of properly guided Neuroplasticity are realized. This is why Cralle Physical Therapy Services added HBOT to its practice through ORCCA (Oxygen Rescue Care Centers of America). Medicare covers physical therapy and if you have used your physical therapy benefits for the year, you can contact our office, to be guided on how to ask your physician to qualify you for the exceptions process.
Medicare does not cover HBOT for Stroke at this time. Studies are underway to prove the cost effectiveness and incredible benefits of HBOT for stroke. We will keep you posted on the progress of studies as well as any actions taken by Medicare or other insurance companies.
For more detailed information and studies please see the list below. **** Please note, the information contained herein is for educational purposes only. We want to help you to make an educated decision about your health care. Please consult a physician before pursuing any kind of therapy.
A prescription is required for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
Stroke Studies
"Cortical Brain Maps"
"HBOT for Stroke" From the HBOT Manual
“Late Treatment of Severe Brain Injury with Hyperbaric Oxygen” by Richard A. Neubauer, M.D., Virginia Neubauer, Franz Gerstenbrand, M.D., Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Volume 10, Number 2, Summer 2005
"Exert from "Cognitive Neuroscience" The Biology of the Mind, Third Edition. by Michael S. Gazzaniga, Richard B. Ivry, & George R. Mangun. pp 542
“Conquering Stroke”, by Valerie Green, Chapter 6
“Clinical Study: Mild Hyperbarics for Impaired Brain Function” by Gunnar Heuser, M.D., Ph.D., FACP,
“A Brief Review of Hyperbaric Oxygen for Stroke Rehabilitation” by David A. Steenblock, M.S., D.O., “The Pressure Point”, International Hyperbarics Association, Inc, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2005
“Clinical Study on Acupuncture combined with Hyperbaric Oxygenation for improving balance function of Cerebral infarction” by Xing J. Wang, YJ, Li YR, Rehabilitation Department of Shijiazhuang Central Hospital, Hebei, China, Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2007 Jan 27 (1):12-4 Links, (PubMed)
 “ Hyperbaric Oxygen in the Treatments of Patients with Cerebral Stroke, Brain Trauma, and Neurologic Disease” by Al-Waili NS, Butler GJ, Beal J, Abdullah MS, Hamilton RW, Lee BY, Lucus P, Allen MW, Petrillo RL, Carrey Z, Finkelstein M., Nov-Dec, 2005 (PubMed)
 “ Improvement in Motor and Cognitive Impairment after Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in a Selected Group of Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease: A Prospective single-blind controlled trial” by Vila JF, Balcarce PE, Abiusi GR, Dominguez RO, Pisarello JB. Sept-Oct 2005 (PubMed)
 “ Hyperbaric Oxygen in the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke: an unsettled issue” by Nighoghossian N, Trouillas P. Sept 1997 (PubMed)
 “ Hyperbaric Oxygen in the Treatment Acute Ischemic Stroke. A double blind pilot study.” By Nighoghossian N, Trouillas P, Adeleine P, Salord F. Aug 1995 (PubMed)
 “ Mechanisms of Hyperbaric Oxygen and Neuroprotection in Stroke” by Zhan JH, Lo T, Mychaskiw G, Colohan A, Department of Neurosurgery, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, USA; Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, USA July 2005
 “ Brain and spinal cord preconditioning for the protection against ischemic injury” by Matsumoto, Mishiya; Ishida, Kazuyoshi; Sakabe, Takefumi, March 2007, Department of Anesthesiology, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Ube
 ” Delayed hyperbaric oxygenation is more effective than early prolonged normobaric hyperoxia in experimental focal cerebral ischemia.” By Beynon, Christopher; Sun, Li; Marti, Hugo H; Heiland, Sabine; Veltkamp, Roland, Oct 2007, Department of Neurology, University of Heidelberg, Germany
 “ Effect of combined therapy with hyperbaric oxygen and antioxidant on infarct volume after permanent focal cerebral ischemia.” By Acka, G; Sen, A; Canakci, Z; Yildiz, S; Akin, A; Uzun, G; Cermik, H; Yildirim, I; Kokpinar, S, 2007, Department of Neurosurgery, Mersin University Medical Faculty, Mersin, Turkey
 “ Hyperbaric Oxygen Facilitates Neuro-Rehabiliation” by Richard A. Neubauer, MD, F. Gerstenband. 2002, 3rd World Congress in Neurological Rehabilitation, Ocean Hyperbaric Neurological Center, Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida, USA
 “ Improvement in Cerebral Metabolism in the Chronic Brain Injury after Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy” by Zarabeth L. Golden, MD, Richard Neubauer, MD, Charles Golden, MD, Lorie Greene, MD, Julie Marsh,MD , April Mleko, MD. Copyright 2002, Taylor & Francis, Ocean Hyperbaric Center and Nova Southeastern University , Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
 “ Hyperbaric Oxygenation in the Acute Stroke” by Richard A. Neubauer, MD, J. Orient, MD, M. Hall-Dickenson B.Sc. Ocean Hyperbaric Neurological Center, Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida, USA
 “ Hyperbaric Oxygen as an adjunct in Strokes due to Thrombosis” by Richard A. Neubauer, MD, Edgar End, MD June 1998, Ocean Hyperbaric Neurological Center, Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida, USA
 “ Identification of Hypometabolic Areas in the Brain Using Brain Imaging and Hyperbaric Oxygen” by Richard A. Neubauer, MD, Sheldon F. Gottlieb, PhD, August Miale Jr, MD, Clinical Nuclear Medicine, June 1992, Vol 17, Ocean Hyperbaric Neurological Center, Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida, USA
 “ Enhancing Idling Neurons” by Richard A. Neubauer, MD, Sheldon F., The Lancet, March 3, 1990, Ocean Hyperbaric Neurological Center, Lauderdale by the Sea, Florida, USA, University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama, & Jo Ellen Smith Memorial, Barometric Research Institute, New Orleans, Louisiana.
"Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygenation on the Clincal Course and Compliations of the Acute Period of Ischemic Strokes" by Lebedev, VV, Isakov, IuV, Pravdenkova, SV. (Study done in Russia) Zh Vopr Neirokhir Im N N Burdenko, 1983 May-June; 3 37-42. (Pub Med)
"Hyperbaric Oxygen for Treatment of Stroke & Traumatic Brain Injuries" by David A. Steenblock, BS, MS, DO. Presented at the National Stroke Association Conference in Boston, Oct 16-18 1997.
 Stroke Recovery Resource Center
The Improvement of Speech and Language Deficits in 3 Aphasic Stroke Patients by HBO Therapy: A Preliminary Study by Donald Shirachi, Mitchell Hoggard, Kurt Johnson, Division of Clinical Research, Chico Hyperbaric Center, Chico, United States
Reversal of Residual Stroke Symptoms Using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, by Morton Walker, DPM, Alternative & Complementary Therapies, January/February 1996
Identification of Hypometabolic Areas in the Brain Using Brain Imaging and Hyperbaric Oxygen by Richard A. Neubauer, M.D., Sheldon F. Gottlieb, PhD, August Miale, MD, Clinical Nuclear Medicine, June 1992
Inhibition of Apoptosis by Hyperbaric Oxygen in a Rat Focal Cerebral Ischemic Model, by Dali Yin, Changman Zhou, Ikuyo Kusaka, John W. Calvert, Andrew D. Parent, Anil Nanda, and John H Zhang
Hyperbaric Oxygen Facilitates Neurorehabiliation, by R.A. Neubauer and F. Gerstenbrand
Hyperbaric Oxygen Reduces Tissue Hypoxia and Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Expression in Focal Cerebral Ischemia, by Li Sun, MD, Hugo H. Marti, MD, Roland Veltkamp, MD
**** Please note, the information below is for educational purposes only. We want to help you to make an educated decision about your health care. Please consult a physician before pursuing any kind of therapy.
A prescription is required for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Sumber : ORCCA Hyperbaric Oxygen Delray Beach, Florida
Tayang ulang oleh dr.erick supondha (hyperbaric and diving medicine consultant) dokter ahli hiperbarik dan kesehatan penyelaman , jakarta, indonesia, 021 99070050
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