Department of Emergency Medicine, Cleveland Clinic
Scuba diving:
What you and your patients
need to know
■ A B S T R AC T
Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA)
diving continues to gain popularity. General practitioners
need to know the health requirements and
contraindications so they can counsel patients
appropriately. SCUBA diving injuries may not be apparent
immediately and require knowledge and understanding
for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
7 MILLION PEOPLE are estimat-
to participate
in self-contained
underwater breathing apparatus (scuba) div-
ing,1 so you are highly likely
to encounter one
in your practice.
Scuba diving requires rigorous
screening to prevent injury or accidents. Most
reputable diving instructors and schools
require a medical statement from prospective
divers. Health care professionals must be
aware of the requirements, contraindications,
and possible injuries of diving so that they are
able to advise their patients properly and diag-
nose diving-related injuries.
This article describes
general recommen-
dations for screening scuba divers and suggests
specific workups and contraindications to div-
ing. It also provides an overview of potential
diving injuries and their treatment.
M ed
General considerations for diving clearance, requirements
for further workup, and contraindications to diving must
be reviewed for each patient.
In the event that a patient presents with health concerns
after a diving trip, barotrauma, decompression sickness,
and air embolus should be considered as possible
Divers Alert Network (DAN) is a good medical resource
for physicians and patients should they have more
specific questions. DAN can be contacted at 1-919-684-
2948,, or
General considerations for screening patients
are shown in TABLE 1.2
Each patient should have a predive clear-
ance workup based on his or her medical his-
tory and current complaints. The patient’s
medical and surgical histories should be
reviewed and further evaluation considered
on the basis of the medical history (TABLE 2).2–5
A review of systems will ensure that no cur-
rent health condition will hinder diving, and
a physical examination should be performed
to complement the history.
Absolute contraindications
to scuba div-
ing include, but are not limited to, hyper-
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TA B L E 1
General considerations for assessing capacity
to dive
Exercise tolerance
Equipment is bulky and heavy (> 35 lb) and sometimes must be carried
over uneven terrain and for excessive distances
or up and down the ladder
of a boat
Swimming is easier in fins
and a buoyancy vest, but is still difficult in certain currents
When ascending from depth, any process that prevents airflow from
the lungs (eg, emphysema, bulla, other causes of air
trapping) puts the diver
at risk for pulmonary overinflation, which can lead to alveolar rupture and air
Mental status
Life-threatening events can occur underwater that require certain
A diver must not be at increased
risk of change or loss of consciousness such as would occur with a seizure or
hypoglycemic episode
Panic is a normal response
to even non-life-threatening events at depth, but a diver with an abnormal panic
or anxiety
response may put himself
or others at risk if he or she reacts inappropriately
Recent health
A vomiting or coughing diver can drown
A diver with an upper respiratory
infection who cannot equalize the pressure in the ears or sinuses can rupture
a tympanic membrane or sinus
Recent surgical wounds can
easily get infected
Uncontrolled hypertension
puts a diver at increased risk of pulmonary edema
Review medications that can alter mental status or impair exercise
The real bottom line is: if
a patient requires a medication to dive (eg, a decongestant, antiemetic, antiseizure
or antidysrhythmic), he or
she should be advised not to dive
trophic cardiomyopathy, right-to-left intracar-
diac shunt, seizures, history of cerebrovascular
accident, spontaneous pneumothorax, gastric
outlet obstruction, recurrent bowel obstruc-
tion, claustrophobia, untreated panic disorder,
and numerous ear, nose, and throat disorders.
The major concern in these cases is sudden
loss of consciousness, increased risk of decom-
pression sickness and barotrauma, or risk to
other divers due to inappropriate response to
stress while diving.
There are many other situations
in which
a patient should be cautioned or sent for fur-
ther evaluation prior to clearance. For
instance, a history of coronary artery disease
may necessitate a stress test to prove exercise
tolerance. Patients with a pacemaker must
ensure the device is certified to withstand
changes in pressure. Patients who have had
previous decompression sickness or dive-relat-
ed injury should have a specialist evaluation
prior to clearance to determine risk of recur-
rence. Pregnant women should be advised of
the unclear risk of fetal emboli. Abnormal
facial anatomy may affect mask or mouthpiece
fit. None of these examples is an absolute con-
traindication, but all must be addressed fully
prior to clearing a patient to dive. A more
complete list of considerations can be found in
In the unlikely circumstance that you are the
first person to evaluate a patient for a com-
plaint after a recent diving trip, you should be
familiar with the potential diving injuries and
their treatment.
Barotrauma can involve any gas-filled body
space and involves tissue damage due to a fail-
ure of that space to equalize its pressure with
the ambient water pressure.6 All forms of
barotrauma can occur even at very shallow
depths if the proper procedure for ascent is not
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The most
common diving
injury is middle
ear barotrauma
(‘ear squeeze’)
followed or if preexisting conditions allow for
air trapping.
Middle ear barotrauma. The most prevalent
injury associated with diving is middle ear baro-
trauma or “ear squeeze.” Middle ear barotrauma
most often occurs on descent when a diver fails
to equalize the pressure between the air in the
middle ear and the ambient water. Pressure and
volume follow Boyle’s law: PV
= K (where K is a
constant; at a constant temperature, the volume
[V] of a gas varies inversely with the pressure [P]
to which that gas is subjected).7
For example, as a diver descends, the
increase in ambient water pressure compresses
the gas in air-filled body spaces such as the
middle ear. The diver must address this vol-
ume loss by adding more gas to this space
(equalizing it) to prevent injury.
Divers equalize the pressure
on descent
with a gentle Valsalva maneuver, but this
maneuver may be impaired if the eustachian
tube is blocked. The external pressure may be
so great as to implode (rupture) the tympanic
membrane, or it may just cause pain and tym-
panic membrane hemorrhage. Other associat-
ed symptoms may include vertigo, tinnitus,
and hearing loss.
Treatment of middle ear barotrauma
includes decongestants, and if the tympanic
membrane is ruptured, the addition of antibi-
otics (only if there is purulent drainage, in
which case one should start with typical treat-
ment for otitis media), analgesia, and referral
to an otolaryngologist. No diving should be
permitted until symptoms are improved and
the tympanic membrane is healed.
Inner ear barotrauma. Similar symptoms
(vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss) may occur
with inner ear barotrauma, which is generally
caused by a too-forceful Valsalva maneuver,
resulting in rupture of the round or oval win-
dow due to unequalized pressure between the
middle and inner ear. If inner ear barotrauma
is suspected, no findings will be noted on eval-
uation of the tympanic membrane (which dis-
tinguishes it from middle ear barotrauma). It
must, however, be distinguished from inner
ear decompression injury, as the treatments
for each are markedly different. The two con-
ditions can usually be distinguished by the his-
tory. Barotrauma more often occurs on
descent and continues thereafter, whereas
decompression injury is noted gradually on
ascent or after exit from the water.7
Treatment of inner ear barotrauma
involves referral to an otolaryngologist, bed
rest, elevating the head of the bed to 30
degrees, and stool softeners to avoid increas-
ing intracranial pressure.
Sinus, tooth, and facial barotrauma.
Barotrauma can also affect the sinuses, caus-
ing headache, epistaxis, and sinus pain, or the
teeth, causing localized dental pain, usually at
the site of a filling.
Tooth squeeze will require
treatment by a
dentist with replacement or repair of the fill-
ing, and sinus barotrauma is treated with
decongestants.8 If a sinus has ruptured, further
workup is needed to assess for pneumo-
cephalus, and the patient should be referred to
an otolaryngologist.7
Gastric barotrauma. By the same mecha-
nism, barotrauma on ascent can occur in the
gastrointestinal tract, where gas is trapped,
and may lead to rupture of a hollow viscus.
Gastric barotrauma or
hollow viscus rup-
ture is rare but requires emergency treatment.
Pulmonary barotrauma. If the diver
holds his or her breath on ascent and does not
exhale properly or has significant underlying
pulmonary disease, the lungs can overinflate.
Overinflation of the lungs can lead to baro-
trauma of the alveoli, causing them to rupture,
with emphysema extending into the neck or
mediastinum, and possibly to air embolus.
Pneumothorax is rare, but it must be consid-
ered if the symptoms are suggestive.9
Pulmonary barotrauma rarely requires
specific treatment other than observation, but
as indicated in TABLE 2, evaluation by a pulmo-
nologist is needed before the patient dives
Eye injury. Diving mask pressure must be
equalized by gentle exhalation through the nose
on descent; mild superficial trauma can occur to
the skin and eyes in the form of petechiae and
subconjunctival hemorrhages if this is not done.
Decompression sickness
One form of decompression illness, termed
decompression sickness or “the bends,” results
from the inflammatory response to bubbles of
inert gas forming in the blood and body tissues
when the pressure is significantly and rapidly
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TA B L E 2
Suggested predive evaluation based on medical
Cardiovascular conditions
Coronary artery bypass grafting
Percutaneous coronary angioplasty
Coronary artery disease
Concerns: Exercise
tolerance is vital to diving—a
stress test in which 13
metabolic equivalents (METs) is
accomplished with no electrocardiographic
changes or
symptoms is required for
clearance to dive if ability is in
question and may be helpful
for coronary artery disease
risk assessment in patients
> 40 years old
Congestive heart failure
Concerns: Significantly
decreased left ventricular function
may affect the body’s
ability to handle the excess volume
load, as the body shunts
blood centrally in cold water,
putting patients at increased
risk of pulmonary edema.
Dysrhythmia requiring medication
Significant valve regurgitation
Concerns: Consider
the condition that necessitated
Pacemaker must be certified
to withstand pressure
changes involved in recreational
Cardiovascular contraindications
Intracardiac right-to-left shunt
Concerns: Increased
risk of venous emboli entering the
cerebral and spinal cord
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
and valvular stenosis
Concerns: Increased
risk of unconsciousness during exertion
History of ventricular tachycardia
or > 1 episode of
sustained ventricular tachycardia
Neurologic conditions
Complicated migraines
Head injury
Herniated nucleus pulposus
Multiple sclerosis
Trigeminal neuralgia
History of cerebral gas embolism
Concerns: Ability
to exercise in patients with certain
neurologic disorders should
be considered
Patients with symptoms
that come and go may be
incorrectly diagnosed
with decompression sickness if
symptoms present after
Risk of seizure should
be considered
Those with previous cerebral
embolism must be fully
evaluated to determine
that risk of recurrence is low
Neurologic contraindications
History of seizure other than childhood or febrile
Concerns: Significant
probability of unconsciousness
puts a diver at risk of
History of transient ischemic
attack or cerebrovascular
Concerns: Spinal
cord or brain areas with abnormal
perfusion may increase
risk of decompression sickness
History of previous serious
decompression sickness with
residual deficit
Pulmonary conditions
Asthma or reactive airway disease
Exercise-induced bronchospasm
Solid, cystic, or cavitating
lung lesion
Pneumothorax secondary to
thoracic surgery, trauma, or
previous dive injury
History of immersion pulmonary
Other previous lung-related
dive injury
Interstitial lung disease
Concerns: Any
active disease, abnormal pulmonary
function tests, or positive
exercise challenge is very
worrisome for diving
Increased risk of breathing
challenge with scuba
device as well as possible
increased risk of pulmonary
Forced expiratory volume
in 1 second and peak
expiratory flow rate
should be within normal limits for
diver’s age, sex, race,
and height
Exercise test should be
Pulmonology consult should
likely be arranged before
clearance for diving
in any of these cases
Pulmonary contraindications
History of spontaneous pneumothorax
Gastrointestinal conditions
Peptic ulcer disease associated with pyloric obstruction
Severe gastroesophageal reflux
Unrepaired hernia of the
abdominal wall big enough to
become incarcerated
Concerns: The
concern is for air trapping and
expanding on ascending
Inflammatory bowel disease
(if debilitating)
Concerns: May impair abilities, or if diving
in distant
locale, treatment may
not be available
C O N T I N U E D O N PA G E 7 1 9
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Gastrointestinal contraindications
Gastric outlet obstruction of a degree sufficient to
produce recurrent vomiting
Concerns: May
cause vomiting, which can lead to drowning
Chronic or recurrent small-bowel
Periesophageal hernia
Concerns: Air
trapping and expansion could lead to rupture
Orthopedic conditions
Back pain
Concerns: Impairment
of mobility or respiratory
function must be considered
Aseptic necrosis
Concerns: Aseptic
necrosis may progress if
decompression sickness
affects the joint
Hematologic and rheumatologic conditions
Sickle cell disease
Concerns: Increased
risk of decompression sickness
may exist (theoretically),
and sickle cell crisis may be
incorrectly diagnosed
as decompression sickness
Polycythemia vera
Hemophilia, impaired coagulation
Concerns: Bleeding
disorders could worsen the effects
of barotrauma and exacerbate
injury associated with
decompression sickness
Raynaud syndrome
Concerns: Digit
function may become impaired,
hindering diving abilities
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Concerns: Pulmonary
function and exercise tolerance
should be evaluated prior
to diving
Metabolic and endocrine conditions
Hormonal excess or deficiency
Renal insufficiency
Concerns: Exercise
tolerance must be proven
Metabolic and endocrine contraindications
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Concerns: Risk
of potential rapid change in
consciousness resulting
in drowning
Concerns: Risk
to fetus of venous emboli formed
during decompression is
Mental health conditions
Developmental delay
History of drug or alcohol
History of psychosis
Use of psychotropic medications
Concerns: Patient
must be mentally able to learn the
information vital to diving
safety and react appropriately
as instructed
Mental health contraindications
Active psychosis
Untreated panic disorder
Drug or alcohol abuse
Concerns: Diver
would be ill-equipped to handle
stressful situations in
Otolaryngologic conditions
Recurrent otitis externa
Significant obstruction of
external auditory canal
Eustachian tube dysfunction
Recurrent otitis media or
History of tympanic membrane
perforation, tympanoplasty,
Significant conductive or
sensorineural hearing loss
Facial nerve paralysis not
associated with barotrauma
History of round window rupture
or inner ear barotrauma
Concerns: Any
of these conditions is likely to affect the
ability to equalize pressure
of sinuses or ears during
ascent and descent and
to increase the possibility of
Full prosthedontic devices
History of mid-face fractures
Unhealed oral surgical sites
Therapeutic radiation to
the head or neck
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
Concerns: These
conditions may affect the manner in which
the mouthpiece fits or
is held or the way the mask fits
Otolaryngologic contraindications
Monomeric tympanic membrane
Open tympanic membrane perforation
Tube myringotomy
Ossicular chain surgery
Inner ear surgery
Facial nerve paralysis due
to barotrauma
Inner ear disease other than
Laryngectomy or partial laryngectomy
Uncorrected laryngocele
History of vestibular decompression
di tayangkan ulang oleh dr.Erick Supondha (hyperbaric&Diving medicine Consultant) Jakarta Indonesia 021 99070050 ,http//