Control groups in hyperbaric
Editor, I read with interest Dr Bennett's excellent recent appraisal of the
study by Londahl and colleagues.1-4 However, there are some concerns with
respect to the trial design that I would like to highlight. Londahl et al's
study on the addition of hyperbaric oxygen to specialised wound care for
chronic diabetic foot ulcers uses a questionable "sham" treatment
method, which has been employed by the same research team previously.5 The
paper by Londahl et al was also included in the recently updated Cochrane
review of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for chronic wounds and appraised as having
a low risk of bias, exclusively owing to the inclusion of a control group.6
What has not been commented on is whether their choice of control (sham) was
appropriate. Londahl et al compared the effect of hyperbaric oxygen at 254 kPa
in patients with diabetic foot ulcers with a sham group where patients breathed
air at 254 kPa. In real terms, therefore, sham was equivalent to breathing 50%
O2 under normobaric conditions, which is not a true control. It could be argued
that breathing 100% O2 at normobaric pressure may have produced the same
differences between the two groups. To better discern the effects of hyperbaric
oxygen at 254 kPa a better control group would have been air at 1.0 ATA. Such
an approach would confirm beyond doubt that the wound-healing effects are
entirely attributable to hyperbaric oxygen. There is also lack of discussion
regarding the possible risk of decompression illness (DCI) in the control group
since they are exposed to 90 mins of air at 254 kPa. This also raises ethical
issues as the 'control' group is being exposed to a risk that the experimental
group is not subject to. There were no reports of any adverse effects in the
control arm, but the study only analysed 90 patients and the relative risk may
be low, but still real. Conducting research in hyperbaric medicine is very
difficult because of the problems of delivering sham treatments and Londahl and
colleagues have improved substantially on previous published studies. For instance,
the study by Annane et al gave hypoxic gas mixtures under pressure to their
control group to ensure they received the same oxygen dose equivalent to a
patient breathing air at normobaric pressure.7 This was confirmed by blood gas
analysis and the control group was therefore not only exposed to a potentially
lethal gas mixture if pressurisation failed, but also the dual risks of
arterial puncture and decompression sickness. In order to undertake
well-designed RCTs in hyperbaric medicine there has to be careful thought given
to the appropriate control treatment group/sham, which should carry with it a
negligible risk. Hyperbaric research needs to be promoted internationally and
intervention trials should be designed with high methodological rigour. I
disagree with Dr Bennett's assertion that this trial satisfied that principle.
Susannah Sherlock
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Publication Detail:
Type: Letter
Journal Detail:
Title: Diving and hyperbaric
medicine : the journal of the South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society
Volume: 42 ISSN: 1833-3516
ISO Abbreviation: Diving Hyperb Med
Publication Date: 2012 Sep
Date Detail:
Created Date: 2012-09-18
Completed Date: - Revised
Date: -
Medline Journal Info:
Nlm Unique ID: 101282742
Medline TA: Diving Hyperb Med Country:
Other Details:
Languages: eng
Pagination: 183 Citation
Subset: IM
Staff Specialist in Hyperbaric Medicine and Anaesthesia, Royal Brisbane and
Women's Hospital, Butterfield St, Herston, Queensland 4026, Australia, E-mail:
ulang olh dr.Erick Supondha (Hyperbaric&Diving Medicine Consultant) Jakarta
Indonesia, hyperbaric&diving medicine hotline 021 99070050