Senin, 15 September 2014



Athletes today are always looking for the latest and greatest “Performance Enhancement Product”. In fact, many are willing to utilize illegal and/or experimental substances in hopes of unlocking some hidden potential that is believed impossible with good old fashioned hard work and healthy living. Others, on the other hand, are willing to put in the time and realize that longevity in any sport does not come from the quick fix, but rather from building on the small gains of the everyday struggle for perfection.
So for many athletes, the question still remains… “Where and who do I turn to if I’m not interested in the quick fix?” One such tool that more and more athletes, professional and otherwise, are turning to today is mild hyperbarics. Mild hyperbarics is the use of very mild pressure (only 4.4 psig) applied safely and conveniently for usually about an hour with a mild portable hyperbaric chamber either in the athletes own home or at a local clinic. Unlike many ergogenic aids such as steroids, mild hyperbarics has not received the same press and exposure throughout the athletic community, but does that mean that it is any less of a performance enhancement aid? The answer is no! However, we must go back and define what we mean by Performance Enhancement Aid. Will athletes see a 10% gain in power or speed within a week of utilizing mild hyperbaric chamberCertainly not! Will endurance athletes get a direct competitive edge from dissolved oxygen if they do a mild hyperbaric chamber session just prior to an event? Absolutely not! And for these reasons major organizations like the IOC (International Olympic Committee) and the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) do not list hyperbarics as a banned substance or activity for competing athletes. Then how does mild hyperbarics benefit the competitive athlete? Mild hyperbarics has two main avenues with which athletes could dramatically benefit from.
  1. Enhanced recovery time from intense training, thus helping to prevent chronic overtraining injuries.
  2. Faster recovery from acute injuries, leading to a quicker return back to a full training load.
Basically, if you can train harder longer; injury free... will that not translate into Performance Enhancement! The answer is yes! In a study conducted with well trained endurance athletes, Dr. Phillip Mafetone demonstrated a 5 beat decrease in resting heart rate in just six short weeks of using a portable hyperbaric chamber. Other research has demonstrated increased collagen synthesis in tendons post hyperbaric therapy and even more interesting is the research which demonstrated an 800% increase in stem cell activity in just 20 sessions.Simply stated, the mild hyperbaric therapy environment is the ideal environment to promote healing and speed recovery. However, despite a near 400 year history… hyperbarics is still very misunderstood, underrepresented, and greatly undervalued; especially in the fields of wellness, anti-aging, and performance enhancement. Even in the professional arena; medicine is still more reactive than proactive. For this reason, the majority of professional athletes who have turned to, and are now advocates for mild hyperbaric chambers, did in the heat of the moment when sudden injury forced them to seek out alternative/complimentary approaches to get back on their feet fast. Terrell Owens is one such athlete; while playing for the Philadelphia Eagles just prior to Super Bowl XXXIX he sustained an injury that was expected to prevent him from playing on the biggest stage in professional football. In just 6 ½ weeks post ankle surgery, Terrell proved that he would recover in time for the big game. Terrell openly acknowledges his belief that his personal hyperbaric chamber played a major role in his recovery process. Even Dr. Oz, Oprah’s "go-to" doctor, has stated that hyperbaric therapies are one of the most powerful tools available in supporting tissue regeneration. Still, even with the research, and celebrity/pro-athlete testimonials… mild hyperbaric therapy is not something most athletes hear about from their athletic trainers, physicians, or training partners; simply because of a lack of knowledge and an unsubstantiated risk of liability.
So, where does that leave the aspiring athlete seeking out safe and natural methods for increasing their athletic performance? Same place it always has… In the driver’s seat! Athletes are no different than anyone else in this respect. The only person ultimately responsible for their health and performance or lack thereof… is the individual athlete themselves. So do your own research, and the next time your trainer, physician, teammate, or training partner tells you that a portable hyperbaric chamber isn’t something you should be interested in… ask them why! Then ask them to substantiate their reasoning with research and/or personal experience. Don’t let a great opportunity pass by because of an uneducated opinion! Give mild hyperbaric therapy a try, you just might shock yourself, and who knows… shock the world!

About the Author: Greg Harris is the founder of Hyperbaric Options LLC and has spoken publicly about health & wellness in various settings over the past eight years. Greg has a passion for human potential and is a firm believer that nearly all of the health problems we face today, from degenerative neurological conditions to the common cold, are preventable and reversible. As a health professional, Greg has a unique ability to connect the dots where others have left them scattered; it is this ability to integrate disciplines and think outside of the box that give his lectures and written materials a fresh point of view.
Disclaimer: The information and advice published or made available throughout this article is not intended to replace the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information contained within the following and/or preceding pages is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The author encourages all readers to further research any topics of interest and reminds the reader that the comments and materials being presented do not necessarily constitute scientific fact and may contain opinions, theories, and third party views not widely accepted. You should not use the information contained in this published material for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. You should consult a physician in all matters relating to your health, and particularly in respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Any action on your part in response to the information provided throughout the material is at the reader's discretion. Readers should consult their own physicians concerning the information in this material. Hyperbaric Options LLC is not liable for any direct or indirect claim, loss or damage resulting from use of this material.
Kelley, B.G. A Fast New Fix for Sprains and Strains. Health 1995; 9-2: 26.
Kindwall, Eric P. Hyperbaric Oxygen: Therapeutic Uses - More Indications than many Doctors Realize. British Medical Journal 1993; 307(6903) p515.
Delaney, Scott, MD. How can Hyperbaric Oxygen Contribute to Treatment? The Physician and Sportsmedicine 2001. 29(3).
Maffetone, Phillip. Study of Athletes at Sea Level with the Hyperbaric Chamber. Baldwin Place, New York. 1990.
Dolezal V. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Athletic Injuries. Cas Lek Cesk 2002. 141(10): 304-6.
Cosgrove H. BrysonP. Et al. Hyperbaric Medicine in Soft Tissue Trauma. Trauma 2001. 3(3) 133-141.
Babul, S. Rhodes EC. The Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Sports Medicine. Sports Med 2000. 30(6): 395-403.
Martin, T. ATC. Effects of Hyperbaric Pressurization on a Well Trained Endurance Athlete. 1993.
Tom, S., Bhopale, V., Velazques, O., Goldstein, L., Thom, L., Buerk, D. Stem Cell Mobilization by Hyperbaric Oxygenation.

sumber : web Hyperbairc Option (
ditayangkan ulang Oleh dr. Erick Supondha (Hyperbaric & Diving Medicine consultant) dokter ahli hiperbaric & kesehatan penyelaman di jakarta Indonesia, 02199070050

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